
Posts Tagged ‘father knows best’

Father Jonathan Gives a Great Rebuke of Pat Robertson

January 16, 2010 Leave a comment

For those of you who don’t know, I am a huge fan of FOX News’ early morning show Redeye w/ Greg Gutfeld. Given its generally lighthearted atmosphere, I was surprised to find such a good rebuke from a Christian perspective of Pat Robertson’s remarks.

FOX News analyst Father Jonathan Morris stopped by the Redeye set for the “Father Knows Best” segment they run. Here’s what he had to say:

He’s exactly right. I have no doubt that Rev. Robertson is a sincerely devout Christian. However, that should not stop him from knowing when to stay quiet. If anything, his status as a well known Christian ought to make him pause and consider what he says before he says it. After all, some of his remarks have been used by non-Christians, particularly those on the Left, to show how insane the “religious right” supposedly is.